Sunday, June 10, 2007

Last Sunday in Harlem

They have a tradition in the Harlem Ward. If you are a visitor of three weeks or less, after Sacrament Meeting, you stand and introduce yourself and then the entire congregation says, "Welcome!" So we stood today and Quint introduced us for the third time and said that it was our final week. The Bishop looked genuinly sad and thanked us for lending Sterling to the to pass the sacrament. In Relief Society, I sat next to Amber. She's lived in the Harlem ward for 3 years now? She worked at my store in Michigan... about 8 years ago at least. Small world.

Tonight we had peanut butter Hershey kisses cookies with milk. We ate them at City Park. Marcie graciously agreed to conduct a private walking tour of the LDS church history sites in lower Manhattan. Joseph Smith, Parley P. Pratt, Martin Harris and others visited NYC. The Brooklyn set sail from NYC, sailed around South America, the Cape and into San Francisco. Brannan, the leader, is credited with begining the gold rush (printing the news in his paper) and settling San Francisco. It was Yerba Buena then. We saw where the statue of Joseph Smith stood for 6 months. It's now in storage in the parking garage of the Harlem Ward. Then we looked over the harbor. It was a fun night.

On the subway ride home some of us sang camp songs with Laurie and her ukelali. Three passengers actually joined in and requested songs. We had no need of begging subway performers. We brought our own. Only we don't beg. Allison shot video and posted it on Google video. I'm next to Lauri — not singing.


Bryce said...

So are you planning on continuing dessert with Sister Randle with your own children?

Deonn said...

Hi, Leslie!
Nice to see you in cyberspace! I'm replying here from my stash post since you are a no-reply blogmistress. Looks like you had a great time in NYC -

Yeah, wish we still had our chickens - well, they're so darn cute. And loved gathering breakfast every day.
Chickens rule!