Wednesday, May 23, 2007

When is a Museum NOT a Museum

"It's supposed to have displays and plaques to read. You are supposed to learn something while you are here." According to Dr. Randle, " This is not a museum, this is an archive." There. He's quoted on a blog. Maybe he can use it in a research paper. To paraphrase he said that this was just like sitting and watching TV-- a waste of time. I personally didn't want to use my NYC time watching an archived show of Seinfeld. So we only stayed 3 hours.... watching a fraction of a Beatles documentary... a history of Superbowl commericals, a Muppet show with John Cleese, and maybe something else. I can't remember.

We began Saturday with a walk up 5th Avenue in the rain. That was the fun part. The street was closed and there were venders on either side. We then arrived at the Museum of Televison and Radio. You may order and view archived TV shows; however, the seats in the theaters were hard waiting-room chairs. Not all the archived footage worked after it was ordered. Oh well. The bathrooms were clean.

So we walked a couple more blocks and went to the "World of Disney Store." Capitalism at it's finest. Pirates making balloon swords and then staging fights on the first floor and Cinderella and her mice on the third floor. Jennifer was in heaven.

I tried to get Quint into Bloomingdales, but no luck. We walked several blocks to TGI Friday's for dinner. Jennifer brought her baby and told us she had to feed her after dinner. Okay. I forgot she didn't bring a bottle and why would she use a bottle anyway? As John would say, "Do you nurse?"

I was successful in getting Quint into the Container Store after dinner.

The most successful part of the day was the stroller. We attached the rain cover and Jennifer was warm and dry — so much so she slept for 2 hours in the museum. This is a few days before in front of the Versace store. You can barely make out the clear rain cover.

Waiting at the subway, Jennifer was thrilled when she saw "fluffy" the mouse running around the tracks. She is determined to find the place the Ninja Turtles and Shredder live. She looks out the window trying to see "Master" and the exact place on the subway tracks.

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